Pulp & Paper Equipment

Pulp Packaging | Pulper Feeding | Roll Handling

Pulp Packaging

With over 7 decades of experience and global installations processing market, fluff, dissolving, block, bagasse, and wet pulp, Cranston is uniquely equipped to help you develop a new system or upgrade an existing packaging system. Solutions for conveying, weighing, pressing, wrapping, printing, strapping/retention, stacking and unitizing are shown in the gallery.

Cranston finishing technologies include fixed or adjustable equipment, custom data systems, and the latest safety provisions. Cranston’s latest line of EP (Electric Pneumatic) equipment offers the highest levels of production and reliability while reducing noise, housekeeping, and maintenance costs. The latest 2D bar codes are available in Food Grade Ink and are scannable at extended distances.

Standard Products:

*Conveying (chain, belt, flat, incline, shuttle, swing, turns, elevator) *Handling Equipment *Weighing Stations *Bale Presses ( 150 – 2600 MT ) *Precut Sheet and Rolled Stock Wrapper Dispensers *Bale Retention – (3) choices: wire, paper strap and adhesive *Ink-Jet Printing:logos and barcodes *Wrapped Folding *Stacking *Unitizing *Safety Barriers *Automation

pulp packaging

Pulper Feeding

Each solution for feeding baled, rolled or broke stock into a single or set of pulpers starts with a custom evaluation. Pulper capabilities, production requirements, package varieties, safety and area or building restrictions need to be balanced. Cranston’s proven solutions range from simple conveyors and manual dewiring stations to automated destacking and recipe make-up equipment for managing multiple grades and materials. Solutions for conveying, destacking, pallet removal, wire cutting, wire coiling, and batch make-up are shown in the gallery.

Standard Products:

*Conveying (chain, belt, flat, incline, shuttle, swing, turns, elevator) *unit/Stack Breakdown ( downending / destacking ) *Guillotine *Broke Carts *Dewiring Tools *Safety Barriers *Automation

Multiple Recipe Discharge

Roll Handling

Cranston Roll Handling Systems and equipment can be found at paper, pulp and board mills receiving sets of rolls at re-winders, transferring individual rolls between processes, providing basic packaging, or feeding sheeters and laminating systems at converting facilities. Durability is a keystone of Cranston designs.

Solutions for conveying, weighing, printing, kicking/stopping, lifting/lowering, strapping, upending are shown in the gallery.

Standard Products:

*Sorting Stops *Cushions *Kickers *Arm Elevators *Centering and Grouping Units *Turning Rolls *In Floor Carts *Upenders, Decks and Ramps *Safety Barriers and Automation *Conveying (chain, belt, flat, incline, shuttle, swing, turns, elevator)

Roll Handling

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